Big Bad Wolf 2017

Hello all! I have an exciting event to share with you bookworms today. I have recently discovered a 24-hour book sale event happening right now, but I am sure that some of you may have heard about it from Facebook. Big Bad Wolf is a global event and it is the second year that it is held in Bangkok (other countries include Malaysia and Indonesia). The event runs from August 11-27, 2017 at Hall 9 Forum, Impact Muang Thong Thani.

P.S. My apologies. I did not bring my camera with me, so I was not able to take photos of anything until I got home.

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Big Bad Wolf (PC:

My sister went to Impact Muang Thong Thani in the morning to attend this book sale event. We had lunch at Shinsoko Sushi, for which I have written about my experience in the previous post. She asked me if I was interested to go later that night and of course, I said yes! I am really into novels and book series and I was hoping to grab couple of books from the event. The big sale offers 60%-80% discount on all books! Isn’t that amazing?! I was able to grab the famous book series “The Maze Runner” for only THB 480! I was so surprised of how cheap all of the books are.

At 10:00 PM, Impact Muang Thong Thani was still packed with people browsing through the books and taking advantage of this special offer at Big Bad Wolf. It was like a big library. There are tons and tons and tons of sections to browse through; I did not even know where to begin. I would suggest for you to actually look through the books near the entrance first, for I think that they are the most recommended and popular books, then you can walk through the hall. There are photography books, children books, arts & crafts, designing, architecture, business, marketing, baking, fiction (mystery/thriller, romance, etc.), and more! They even have DVDs and activity books for you to enjoy. If you feel lost, don’t you worry! The staff are really friendly and are willing to assist you in any way. Honestly though, I didn’t think that it was that difficult to find anything as everything was very well organized and easy to find and the same books are neatly put in the appropriate places. Sample books are also available for most of the books for you to flip through. The shopping carts are provided, so you can carry even more books. The check-in lines are very organized as well and there are staff who would guide you to the available counter, which I find pretty helpful. There are several credit cards that offer cash backs by purchasing the books. You may want to take an advantage of that. We stayed there until 12:00 AM. I needed to go to work the next day, so sadly, we had to leave. As the place is so big, I think I could seriously spend more hours in there. I might  actually come back and possibly buy more books. They are seriously so cheap.

The books that I have gotten from Big Bad Wolf include photography book, book series, and children books for my little nephew.

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)
Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)

Big Bad Wolf (Impact Muang Thong Thani)